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Always The Observer... |
Observation Skills |
.Leadership covers many separate activities and capabilities within the process of leading an event. Observation plays an important part. So, if you need to know what's going on and how well people and other elements are performing, you have to look carefully at the progress or observe the relationships which make it all work.
Observation skills are vital if you are in any competitive situation, they often determine the difference between success and failure. Here's your first observation question of this unit: Describe the stairway hand-rails that the man with the camera used to get up to his elevated walkway for taking his picture. |
Observers wanted! If you have a natural interest, even a passion for studying what's going on around you, then you have the right nature. Although that's a good trait, you'll need much more in your toolbox before you can say that you are a true observer.
Observers are trained to look for and uncover what's not visible or obvious, they investigate and never give up until they fully understand and, more importantly, believe what is truly happening. |
Apply for the courseYour Business Leadership Development course covers a wide range of subjects, OBSERVATION is just one of them.
To Join the Development course please enter your name and email address in the box provided over there to your left. Submit your details for us to send you, by return, information on how to get started. |